Article on the return of imperial war-making technologies accumulating on the US-Mexico border. The article considers the imperial boomerang as theorized by Aimé Césaire via Hannah Arendt and Foucault. Published in the Cornell Journal of Architecture no. 13 (forthcoming).

Using the famous frontispiece of Hobbes’ Leviathan, this research and manuscript-in-progress questions the division of state and individual sovereignty and recasts both within discourses on race, violence, and white supremacy. State sovereignty is repositioned as a process of repeated failure, one that leads to Black death by distributing the monopoly of violence across a white population.
Graduate seminar at Yale tracing the relations between race, space, and state—or, the “structural” forms of structural racism. The course considers how space, form, policy, and politics mediate state production and racial formation.

Article considering the Supreme Court’s designation of “sensitive places” as a means to address gun violence and a sharp critique against conservative politicians and gun lobbyists calls for expanding defensive architecture in public spaces. Published in PLAT no. 11.

Dissertation and manuscript-in-progress on the long history of US-Mexico boundary formation and the racial discourses they mediate. The project looks at boundary mapping, monument making, fencing, walling, electronic surveillance, blimps, drones, immigration prisons, indigenous reservations, and Japanese internment as imperial practices of state making and racial categorization.